Learn why Lemonbase switched to Archbee from Notion, after trying GitBook.

What is Lemonbase?

This is HRB2B SaaS in Korea.

What was the problem you were facing before Archbee?

I was using Notion for our user guides, and since the only method of linking documents was inline, it was difficult for users to see various artifacts at a glance.

Why Archbee over the alternatives?

I tried to use GitBook before Archbee. Still, there were some inconveniences, such as twisting another document link in the document, or not landing to the correct location due to the slow loading of the page when accessing the link with the anchor. Satisfied with our many requirements, we liked the format of organizing pages with blocks like Naughts.

What are some results you have seen?

With Archbee we are very satisfied with usability, such as loading speeds and managing Korean language. We can provide a more pleasant experience to our service users than conventional documentaation platforms.

Their support was very helpful because they answered many questions quickly every time.

Sydney, 2011

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