What is Element Logic?
Element Logic is a warehouse automation company and we are a solution integrator. We integrate different automation systems, robots, for different parts of the warehouse. We use our software both to make it work as a whole and to be each of those parts be more efficient. We started as a small Norwegian company and now we're global, and one of the biggest in our industry. So that's kind of exciting for us.
How do you use technical documentation and what were the challenges you were facing before using Archbee?
Like I mentioned, we used to be a really small company where everyone knew everything and we were creating our own software. Now that we've grown, we have to have technical documentation. You can't just rely on everyone telling each other how we work. You needed a VPN the access the documentation we used to have, on site and in the home office. That was an issue. Also, the search functionality was not up to our standards, and the integration documentation either. That's why we were looking for something new.
How did Archbee help you with this?
First of all, and the surprise was that it was so easy to write and to use a writer. That meant that our product managers and our developers wanted to write technical documentation suddenly. It's very easy to start to use and also the improved search functionality. That meant that now our readers can actually find the documentation that they're looking for. I also have to say that the review functionality really hit the spot for us. It's there, but it's very easy to use and you can skip it if you want to.
Do you use your documentation internally, publicly or both?
Right now it's internally. One of the reason that we wanted to switch was because we started to saw the need to have public documentation. We still want to keep that one to one relationship with our customers, but we also want some public documentation and we're launching that later this year. It will really exciting to see what kind of difference that makes.
Were there any other features in Archbee that have particularly helped your team?
We wouldn't have done this without your open API, so that was great. We feel more modern now. My readers have emphasized the AI as well. I think that's one of the reason one person said to me "you've revolutionized my workday". Now with your new Insights feature, being able to see what people search and what they ask for, that makes my day fun.
Do you see any differences in your team's workflow?
I see that people are using documentation more, so not so much asking colleagues anymore, but actually going to the source. I'm doing a survey in the next weeks about how much time they spend now. I did one in April, and now I will do one with Archbee in place, hoping to get some results that people are spending less time looking for information now. I don't have any numbers yet, but I'm quite sure that we'll get time saved.
Do you have any advice for other companies that might be considering Archbee?
Jump in. Just start and then remember to look for extra features. I like that you can just start writing. And then if think there might be a better way to do something, you can just look up the Archbee documentation and find a more efficient way to work.
Teams of all sizes build documentation with Archbee