Learn how Archbee streamlined Regpack's API documentation workflow and improved presentation.

What is Regpack?

Regpack is online registration software that lets you charge, manage, and register users. We work across a range of business types including camps, courses, events, and B2B SaaS companies.

What was the challenge you were facing before using Archee?

So specifically in trying to better serve our Saas clients, we released an Open API. I wrote the docs and it was my job to pick software to help us maintain them. So for us it was sort of a completely new direction and had to build them from scratch.

What made you choose Archbee over the alternatives?

I personally work with many API documentations, so I have strong opinions about what I like to see. But what I didn't really get until I wrote them myself was sort of how much influence the software you're using to maintain them has on the logic of your presentation. I tried a few, and just sort of, to my eyes at least, didn't like how they let me present the ideas. So with Archbee it just felt good - it was clean, simple, very intuitive, and yeah, sort of removed a lot of the clutter so that people could easily get to the point.

Can you share some business outcomes?

Well so far I've gotten mostly good feedback or no feedback. Which for developers, who generally sort of just want to do everything themselves, no feedback is good feedback :)

San Diego, 2009

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