What is Procesio?
Procesio is a business workflow automation software. It's like a visual software development and execution environment suited for automation.
How are you using documentation?
We need documentation because we have a technology suited for technical people, and, as you know, developers or automation implementation experts need documentation to onboard new technology. It was critical for us in 2021, when we chose Archbee to be the backbone of our documentation, to have a unified place for our community to learn to use our technology.
What challenges were you facing before using Archbee?
One of the challenges was to have a way to deliver the proper guidance for our community to learn to use our technology. We needed an enabler for our documentation and tehcnical guidance.
Can you share some business outcomes?
Archbee was very good in helping use reduce the time needed by our support team to onboard new users or to answer technical questions. Archbee offers an experience that enables our users to search for the proper information they need.
Teams of all sizes build documentation with Archbee