What is LicenseSpring?
Licensespring is a Product Monetization and Licensing Service, enabling rapid iteration of any business model within Software or Hardware Products.
What were the challenges you were facing before Archbee?
Documentation is a key part of our service offering. Our customers primarily use finely configure the state of their products according to their license agreements with their end-users. We are therefore deeply ingrained in our customer's tech stacks and there are several roles that we needed to provide technical answers to, whether it's Product Managers learning what LicenseSpring's technical capabilities are, to engineers looking to implement our Software Licensing API, or Integrations personnel tasked with connecting their Licensespring account to SalesForce.
Working back from who the intended audience is, it follows that the LicenseSpring documentation needed to be complete, always up to date, and easy for our customers to navigate and find answers. For us to accomplish this result, the Licensespring staff needed to be able to easily add and update articles following our agile release cycle. Making our Documentation SEO Friendly was also important, so that customers could find answers directly from a search engine without having to come to our web property.
What made you choose Archbee over the alternatives?
We previously built our own documentation tool in-house, and decided to discontinue the development as it was not our core competency. We liked Archbee as a very rich feature set that is aligned with our needs (internal / external documentation, drafts, white labelling of the subdomain, Analytics, code snippets, video tags, document revision history, SEO tags etc.). Overall, the Archbee platform is also very easy and intuitive to use. Pricing also brought good value compared with other alternatives we evaluated.
Can you share some business outcomes?
We are currently satisfied with Archbee, although we have recently moved our internal documentation to another tool (so that we don't need to integrate internal documentation with our project management tool). We still use and plan to continue using Archbee for our publicly facing documentation for now and the foreseeable future.
Teams of all sizes build documentation with Archbee