Learn how Bince simplified the creation and sharing of documentation with Archbee.
What is BinceBase?
BinceBase is the foundation of the product that we deliver to our customers. Our customers are care-organisations for which we create and manage a data warehouse (BinceBase).
What was the challenge you were facing before using Archbee?
We needed a central location that made the creation of documentation easy and that would allow us to share it with other people, given that people had the right permission to read or read/write the documentation.
What made you choose Archbee over the alternatives?
Archbee made it easy at that time and was a standalone SaaS application. No need to install or manage a platform. Also the way one could edit the pages by directly pasting in a picture without first having to upload it, etc. made it that it was very intuitive.
Can you share your business outcomes?
Thanks to Archbee, people can easily edit the documentation and make it visible to others.
Teams of all sizes build documentation with Archbee
Join 3,000+ teams using documentation as their #1 resource to answer questions