Learn how ARGOS improved their multi-language document handling with Archbee.

What is ARGOS?

ARGOS isa startup company based in South Korea. Our goal is to reduce time and costs by addressing authentication and other business problems using AI.

What was the issue you were facing before Archbee?

Before using Archbee, we were using Gitbook. We faced many inconveniences, primarily with localization. Managing documents in both English and Korean was burdensome, and we encountered numerous difficulties while writing API documentation.

Why Archbee over the alternatives?

Archbee has been a great help to us. It significantly improved our documentation process, especially with the structure of documents and support for OpenAPI files, saving us a lot of time.

What are some of the results you have seen?

We are quite satisfied with how we can create and share API documents, which is an upgrade from our previous setup.

South Korea

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